TipsMore colors available.,Color & Style representation may vary by monitor. Not responsible for typographical or pictorial errors,Shipping Weight1,Net weight0.8,FeaturesSlip Resis..
TipsMore colors available.,Color & Style representation may vary by monitor. Not responsible for typographical or pictorial errors,Shipping Weight1,Net weight0.8,FeaturesSlip Resis..
TipsMore colors available.,The color of embellishments are shown as picture.,An adjustible ankle strap ensures the perfect fit.,SizeEU38,EU37,EU36,EU35,EU40,EU39,Shipping Weight1,N..
TipsRandom Sole Color,More colors available.,Color & Style representation may vary by monitor. Not responsible for typographical or pictorial errors,SizeEU44,EU43,EU42,EU41,EU40,EU..
TipsRandom Sole Color,More colors available.,Color & Style representation may vary by monitor. Not responsible for typographical or pictorial errors,SizeEU38,EU37,EU36,EU35,EU42,EU..
TipsColor & Style representation may vary by monitor. Not responsible for typographical or pictorial errors,Boot ShaftKnee High Boots,Shaft Height14"-16"(Approx.35.56cm-40.64cm),Sh..